Pickwick’s Conservation Area is being reviewed… and we need your views on the appraisal document.
You can view the document on our website: pickwickassociation.org.uk
The core section of Pickwick has been a Conservation Area for many years. Local authorities normally review each conservation area from time to time to update the content of the appraisal and to identify what is important and needs to be respected.

As Wiltshire Council does not presently have the resources to carry out such an appraisal, Pickwick Association – which does have available expert resources – has assisted by drafting its own appraisal of the Conservation Area. Both Wiltshire Council and Corsham Town Council have been supportive of this move.
Our aim has been to provide a written record of what’s special about Pickwick in historic, architectural and social terms. This is particularly important when decisions are made regarding planning applications or any proposed future developments in Pickwick.

But this needs to be more than just the view of the Association. Before we can get Wiltshire Council’s adoption of the appraisal we need to ensure that we carry local opinion with us.
This is why we need your input, comment and views to ensure the Conservation Area designation gets the recognition it deserves, is appropriate for 2021 and beyond, and places it in the context for any future expansion.
After you have looked through the document, please let us have your views by 28 February 2021. We can also supply you with a hard copy of the appraisal document if you prefer. Just email us at pickwickappraisal@gmail.com or send to 12 Pickwick, SN13 0HZ (200 yds from Hare and Hounds towards Chippenham).