There are many interesting books available from which to learn more about the Corsham area: how it developed, who contributed and with some fascinating stories of its history. Several of these can also be invaluable when carrying out Family History research.

A Corsham Boyhood: The Diary of Herbert Spackman 1877-1891*
Ernest Hird
This represents the first thirteen years of a diary started purely as shorthand practice, but continued by the writer into his twenties. It paints a picture of family life in Corsham with music, cricket, and other activities of the local community – all described with enthusiasm and affection for his home town.

A Life Revealed: From the diaries of Herbert Spackman*
Ernest Hird
A new look at Herbert Spackman and the enormous impact he made on the life of the inhabitants of Corsham. His dedication to his family, his music, and his business is demonstrated by his success in achieving and passing on his high moral and professional standards.

An Appreciation of Robin Tanner
Ernest Hird
An account of the intelligent and clever man who excelled at writing and was a great believer in the promotion of education for all. But Robin Tanner will be remembered especially for his talents as an etcher, where he must take his place as a member of the Wiltshire Arts & Crafts movement.
Available from Chippenham Museum & Heritage Centre
Price £11.99